Community Movers



Packing Tips

Packing Tips

Welcome to Community Movers Packing Tips, your trusted partner in seamless relocation solutions. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we strive to make every move a stress-free experience

Professional Packing Tips

Packing Tips Start Early

One of the biggest mistakes people make when moving is waiting until the last minute to start packing. To avoid unnecessary stress, begin packing as soon as you know you're going to move. Start with items you don't use frequently, such as out-of-season clothing, decor, and books.

Declutter Before You Pack

Moving presents the perfect opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need or use. Before you start packing, go through your belongings and separate items into categories: keep, donate, sell, or toss. This will not only streamline the packing process but also save you time and energy on moving day.

Use the Right Packing Supplies

Invest in high-quality packing supplies to ensure your belongings are properly protected during transit. This includes sturdy boxes in various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and markers for labeling. Don't forget to use specialized boxes for fragile items such as dishes and electronics.

Pack Room by Room:

To stay organized and maintain your sanity, tackle one room at a time when packing. Start with rooms you use less frequently, such as spare bedrooms or the garage, and work your way towards the most essential areas like the kitchen and bedrooms. Remember to label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy unpacking.

Pack Heavy Items at the Bottom

When loading boxes into the moving truck, pack heavier items at the bottom and lighter items on top to prevent damage. Distribute weight evenly to avoid boxes becoming too heavy or unstable. For extra protection, use blankets or towels to cushion fragile items and fill any empty spaces in boxes to prevent shifting during transit.

Don't Overpack Boxes

While it may be tempting to fill boxes to the brim to minimize the number of trips, overpacking can lead to boxes breaking or items getting damaged. Pack boxes only to their recommended weight capacity, typically indicated on the bottom of the box. If a box feels too heavy, redistribute some items or use a smaller box.

Keep Essentials Handy

Pack a separate box or bag with essential items you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. This may include toiletries, medications, a change of clothes, important documents, and basic kitchen supplies. Label this box clearly and keep it with you during the move for easy access.

Consider Hiring Professional Packers

If the thought of packing overwhelms you or you simply don't have the time, consider hiring professional packers. They have the expertise and resources to pack your belongings efficiently and safely, saving you time and stress in the process.

Wrap Fragile Items Carefully

Fragile items such as glassware, ceramics, and electronics require extra attention during packing to prevent damage. Wrap each item individually in packing paper or bubble wrap, and cushion them with additional padding inside the box. Consider using specialized dish packs or foam inserts for extra protection. Label these boxes as "Fragile" and stack them on top of heavier, sturdier boxes to avoid crushing.

Disassemble Furniture

To maximize space in the moving truck and protect bulky furniture pieces, disassemble them before packing. Keep track of small hardware such as screws and bolts by storing them in labeled plastic bags or containers. Wrap disassembled furniture pieces in moving blankets or furniture pads to prevent scratches and dents during transit. Remember to tape any loose parts securely to the main pieces to avoid loss.

Utilize Space Efficiently

Make the most of every inch of space in your moving boxes by packing strategically. Fill empty spaces with soft items like towels, linens, or clothing to prevent shifting and provide extra cushioning. Use the inside of larger items, such as drawers and appliances, as additional storage for smaller items to save space. Be mindful of weight distribution to keep boxes balanced and

Label Boxes Clearly:

Effective labeling is crucial for a smooth unpacking process at your new home. Clearly label each box with its contents, destination room, and any special handling instructions such as "Fragile" or "This Side Up." Use color-coded labels or markers for each room to easily identify where each box belongs. Consider creating a master inventory list or using a labeling system app to keep track of all your boxes during the move.

Pack Seasonal Items Separately

If you're moving during a seasonal transition, pack seasonal items separately to avoid clutter and confusion. Pack winter clothes, holiday decorations, and sporting equipment in designated boxes labeled with the appropriate season. Store these boxes in an easily accessible location in the moving truck or storage unit so you can unpack them first upon arrival at your new home.

Take Care of Plants and Pets:

Don't forget to make arrangements for transporting your beloved plants and pets safely to your new home. Prune plants and repot them in lightweight, unbreakable containers for easier transportation. Keep pets secure and comfortable during the move with carriers, familiar bedding, and their favorite toys. Ensure they have access to food, water, and bathroom breaks during the journey.

Stay Flexible and Stay Organized

Despite careful planning, unexpected challenges may arise during the moving process. Stay flexible and adapt to changing circumstances by having contingency plans in place. Keep important documents such as leases, contracts, and contact information for movers or rental agencies easily accessible. Maintain a positive attitude and enlist the help of friends, family, or professional movers to alleviate stress and keep the moving process on track.